Wednesday 1 April, 2009

Today spent my time in a meeting with the judiciary and teh police of PoM. I think I did well than Marc, the aggressive French man . Later went to a private hospital which is full of Indians,; Doctors, pharmacists, marketing managers, lab technicians, you name they are there; The CEO is from Delhi and he said that he'd call me for the next Indian meeting.
I spent the whole afternoon trying to write a report with Marc sitting across my table, on his side of the office interviewing a candidate for Project co-ordinator, talking all the time and that too in French. He actually briefed her for three hours. All because she is French!!!!!!
Fons the Financial Co-ordinator who has come for three weeks asked me if I will fulfil my promise of cooking an Indian meal albeit vegetarian, just the day Vartha came on Skype at 6 pm my time. I think he is leaving this W/E so I decided to agree.
Fabulous news that Seb and his cousin are getting promoted. All Aditi's raasi. Grihalakshmi is coming.

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