Friday 3 April, 2009

It is only on these kind of mission that one realises the value of knowledge and expertise. We have a boy in Tari with Severe infection of the brain , thanks to an arrow into his left eye.To manage this case without any modern lab support with just clinical skills is really a challenge. The team out there is doing this superbly --with first hand information. When one has to decide further whether to evacuate or enhance the treatment with somebody else's finding is even more a Himalayan task. I do not want to regret the loss of this boy's life by making a wrong decision. The HoM says You tell me what to do and I'll move heaven earth to get the boy here in PoM. The airstrip is closed ; He has to be moved to MT Hagen or Mehndi both ' hour drive from Tari; then airlift him to PoM; He may not even take the journey. God is great. With all our efforts he is hanging on there and InshAllah will become better.
I took some fabulous photos of the sunset in PoM and am sending them today for you all to see.
I want to make a Panarama with the software available. Alas, that software will work only on windows. I'll have to wait till I load it onto the other laptop.

1 comment:

  1. Details on Panorama S/w for Mac be here :

