Wednesday 22 April, 2009

Wantok system

I saw a documentary called "Black Harvest" about the tribals of the highlands of PNG. This half Australian/half Tribal, educated modern chap is trying to teach his tribes-people to grow coffee; they do all the work and are very co-operative till the day comes for harvesting.
Suddenly a fight erupts between two different clans and these were asked to pitch in. And, they do, forgetting the rotting coffee, their loans , and pathway to better economy. Four days later, after losing a man and several injured they come back to pick coffee demanding a higher wage and their share of land. This is Highland province of PNG.
Wantok meaning same talk( language) is a large extended family ,they can be of the same clan, same tribe and same province eventually. They will not work with the enemy, will not stay in the same ward as the opposite clan. In fact we still see similar fights in our Tamil movies. Only the bows and arrows are missing.
The wantok in the city will give shelter, feed and look after anybody who comes to town, give them money to spend, take them around and maintain them till kingdom come. Reminded me of my father and the wantoks from Kancheepuram.
Anything that happens in the family ,community is common knowledge. Even rape is not a private affair; It is so public that retribution is called for, compensation paid and then all is well; like our village panchayat.
Nobody goes hungry; women grow food and feed the family while the man goes around collecting wives and enjoying his fights. He might die but then that is honourable. Since the time paper money and cash took over pigs and shells this system, their harmonious life has been left behind. Now slowly the modern values of thieving, robbing, cheating have all creeped in.
The whites used to pay them for their labour with axe blades and arrow heads; trade shells for women. Reminded me of that book by Chinua Achebe' When things fall apart'. Colonisation teaches bad values and while the invaders act holier than thou.

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